- 1099-Q (Payments from Qualified Education Programs (under Sections 529 and 530)) form is available online. This document reports distributions from qualified tuition programs and Coverdell ESA Thursday, January 12th.
- 1099-R (Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, etc.) form is available online. This document reports distributions from qualified retirement plans—for example, individual 401(k), profit-sharing, or money-purchase plan—or any IRAs or IRA recharacterizations, conversions, or removals of excess, Thursday, January 12th.
- 4th quarter 2021 estimated tax payment due, Monday, January 16th.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 16th- Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders are closed.
- Due date for employers to send W-2 forms, Tuesday, January 31st.
- High Spending Day Alert-Super Bowl, Sunday, February 13th. U.S. Adults planned to spend an average of 78.92 U.S. dollars on Super Bowl Sunday. [1]
- High Spending Day Alert– Valentine’s Day, Monday, February 14th. Americans planned to spend $174.41 in 2022 on Valentine’s Day.[2]
- Individual Exemptions Due, Tuesday, February 15th. File a new Form W-4 to extend exemption another year.
- Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 20th- Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders are closed.
- 6b (Informative Return-Income Not Subject to Withholding (Puerto Rico residents only)) form is available online. This document reports Puerto Rican-source income (generally, dividends and interest); this is subject to Puerto Rico “at source” withholding (also known as foreign tax), Thursday, February 23rd.
- 6a (Informative Return – Income Subject to Withholding (Puerto Rico residents only)) form is available online. This document reports payments—such as dividends, interest, partnership distributions, long-term gains, liquidations, and gross proceeds—to residents of Puerto Rico who did not have Puerto Rico tax withheld. These payments can be from a Puerto Rican or non-Puerto Rican source, Thursday, February 23rd.
- Consolidated Form 1099 is available online. This document reports All reportable income and transactions for the year. If a person received at least $10 in either dividends or interest during the tax year or had an equity sale in a taxable account, they will receive an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1099, Friday, February, 24th.
- 1042-S ( Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding) form is available online. This document reports Interest, dividends, and federal taxes withheld, Thursday, March 9th.
- REMIC (Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit)/WHFIT (Widely Held Fixed Investment Trust) form is available online. This document reports original issue discount from a REMIC. Certain custodial account holder are also required to provide a supplement to this form which is used to report the income accrual that will appear on your Consolidated Form 1099, Thursday, March 9th.
- 2439 (Notice to Shareholders of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains) form is available online. This document reports undistributed capital gains from mutual funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs), Friday, March 17th.
- End of 1st quarter 2023, Wednesday, March 31st.
- Required minimum distribution due if you turned 72 in 2022, Monday, April 1st.
- Good Friday, Friday, April 7th- Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders are closed.
- High Spending Day Alert– Easter, Sunday, April 9th. Easter spending is on average 169.79 per U.S. adult.[3]
- Schedule K-1/Form 1065 (Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.) is available online. This document reports distributions from partnership securities. Please note: While the K-1 form itself accounts for distributions or other items being passed through to the partners, proceeds from the sale of partnership units must be reported on the 1099-B section of your Consolidated 1099 Form, Saturday, April 15th.
- 5498–ESA (Coverdell ESA (Education Savings Account) Contribution Information) is available online. This document reports contributions (including rollover contributions) to a Coverdell ESA, Saturday, April 15th.
- Tax Day, Tuesday, April 18th.
- Last Day for ROTH IRA and IRA Contributions for 2022, Tuesday, April 18th.
- 1st quarter 2022 estimated tax payment due, Tuesday, April 18th.
- Last Day to claim 529 plan deduction in Georgia, Tuesday, April 18th.
- Individual tax returns due for tax year 2022, Tuesday, April 18th.
- High Spending Alert– Graduation Season starts, Monday, May 1st through June. In 2022, Consumers plan to spend an average $115 on grad gifts with 33% of Americans planning to buy for a high school or college graduate in their lives.[4]
- High Spending Day Alert– Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14th. The average shopper spent $245.76.48 on Mother’s Day gifts in 2022.[5]
- 5498 (IRA (Individual Retirement Account) Contribution Information) form is available online. This document reports contributions (including rollover contributions) to any IRA, Thursday, May 18th.
- Memorial Day, Monday, May 29th- Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders are closed.
- 2nd quarter 2023 estimated tax payment due, Thursday, June 15th.
- 2022 Individual filing date for U.S. Residents living and working abroad, Thursday, June 15th.
- High Spending Day Alert- Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18th. In 2022, U.S. Consumers planned to spend an average of $171.79 for their fathers and other important men in their lives.[6]
- Juneteenth National Independence Day, Monday, June 19th– Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders are closed.
- FAFSA Deadline for the 2023-2024 school year, Friday, June 30th.
- End of 2nd quarter 2023, Friday, June 30th.
- Independence Day, Tuesday, July 4th- Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders close early July 3rd at 1 pm EST and remain closed through the 4th.
- High Spend Alert– Back to school season starts, Tuesday, August 1st through Labor Day, September 4th. In 2022, families plan to spend $864 on back to school and $1,199 on back to college.[7]
- Labor Day, Monday, September 4th- Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets and account custodial holders are closed.
- 3rd quarter 2023 estimated tax payment due, Friday, September 15th.
- End of 3rd quarter 2023, Saturday, September 30th.
- 2022 tax extension deadline, Monday, October 16th.
- Medicare Open Enrollment Period, 10/15/23-12/07/23.
- High Spending Day Alert– Halloween, Tuesday, October 31st. In 2022, the average U.S. household planned to spend $100.45 on candy, costumes, decorations, and cards. Families with children spent twice as much as households without.[8]
- Federal health insurance marketplace enrollment starts Wednesday, November 1st.
- Veteran’s Day, Saturday, November 11th.
- Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23rd. Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets, and account custodial holders close on November 23rd and close early (1 pm EST) on November 24th for Black Friday.
- High Spending Alert- The Holiday Season begins Thursday, November 23rd, through the end of the year. The average amount consumers expect to spend on winter holidays in 2022 was $832.[9]
- Christmas Day, Monday, December 25th – Scarlet Oak Financial Services, U.S. markets, and account custodial holders are closed.
- Last Day for 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457 plans, Simple IRAs, and the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan employee contributions for 2023, Saturday, January 31st.
- Required minimum distributions must be taken for individuals age 73 or older by the end of 2023, Sunday, January 31st.
- Last Day to contribute to charity for a tax deduction in 2023, Sunday, January 31st.
- End of 4th quarter 2023, Saturday, January 31st.
- New Year’s holiday, Monday, January 1st, 2024.
Scarlet Oak Financial Services can be reached at 800.871.1219 or contact us here. To sign up for our weekly newsletter with the latest economic news, click here.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes. Tax Deadlines are subject to change for the latest tax information refer to IRS.gov.
[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/251064/super-bowl-sunday-average-consumer-spending/
[2] https://nrf.com/research-insights/holiday-and-seasonal-trends/valentines-day#:~:text=Valentine’s%20Day%202022%20saw%20%2423.9,%2C%20friends%2C%20pets%20and%20more.&text=Valentine’s%20Day%20spending%20reached%20%2423.9,second%2Dhighest%20year%20on%20record.
[3] https://nrf.com/research-insights/holiday-and-seasonal-trends/easter
[4] https://nrf.com/research-insights/holiday-and-seasonal-trends/graduation
[5] https://nrf.com/research-insights/holiday-and-seasonal-trends/mothers-day
[6] https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/consumers-spend-20-billion-fathers-day-gifts
[7] https://nrf.com/insights/holiday-and-seasonal-trends/back-to-school
[8] https://www.consolidatedcredit.org/infographics/halloween-statistics/
[9] https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/1112/average-cost-of-an-american-christmas.aspx#:~:text=6-,%24832,on%20winter%20holidays%20in%202022.