Risk Tolerance

Get your risk tolerance score.

Please keep the general guidelines outlined below in mind when completing the risk tolerance survey with Hidden Levers and considering how your score will alter your risk level.

For further resources, here are articles to Understand Risk, Types of Risk to Your Investments, and Measuring Investment Risk.

Multi-colored umbrella. Page title: Risk Tolerance
These choices are listed in order from what is considered to be conservative to highest risk.

Chart of the information below. Page title: New Client.

0-20 score – Conservative or Very Low Risk – Income with Capital Preservation. Designed as a longer-term accumulation account, this is considered generally the most conservative investment objective. Emphasis is placed on generation of current income with minimal risk of capital loss. Lowering the risk generally means lowering the potential income and overall return.

21-40 score – Moderate Conservative – Income with Moderate Growth. Emphasis is placed on generation of current income with a secondary focus on moderate capital growth.

41-60 score – Moderate or Medium Risk – Growth with Income. Emphasis is placed on modest capital growth with some focus on generation of current income.

61-80 score – Growth or High Risk -Growth. Emphasis is placed on achieving high long-term growth and capital appreciation. There is little focus on generation of current income.

81-100 score – Aggressive or Very High Risk -Aggressive Growth. Emphasis is placed on aggressive growth and maximum capital appreciation. No focus on generation of current income. This objective has a very high level of risk and is for investors with a longer time horizon.


We are happy to set up a time to go through this process together if you are unsure where you should score or have questions. If you need help, skip this step and contact Melinda at melinda@scarletoakfs.com or call 800-871-1219 Ext. 1.

This form generally takes about 10 minutes to complete.